An all consuming loneliness prevails
this house feels of death in every corner.
His heavy sighs are bricks placed over my feet,
so that I am unable to move or walk away to safety.
I hate it.
I hate it.
I hate it.
Ever feel utterly lonely and alone while in someone's presence? That's how I feel in this hell hole this day. I want to tear off my skin and toss it out onto the snow so as to cool off. I imagine the house and all of its belongings going up in flames. Don't even know if I'd care to walk out the door while it burns, perhaps I'd just walk quietly down the basement stairs, open the old wooden doors and start digging into the dirt floor.
And the one I need is too far out of reach and missing yet does this all work? All seems broken this greyish damned day. Would love sto sleep until Friday folds over my still body.