Friday, October 28, 2005

another scooter adventure

In 3 minutes, I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine just like this one. It's been a hellishly long week - a lot of physical labor, and I have to be up before the sun rises tomorrow for some more of it.

Another scooter ride home tonight from a work buddy, and I was laughing my ass of the entire time - so much so - that my sides hurt. There was a marked difference between this ride and the one a few weeks back from my girlfriend, and that is that he drove like a fucking maniac, especially when it came to passing in between the cars stopped at the red lights. Between my incessant laughter I was screaming "I hate it - make it stop - oh my god - I hate it" at the top of my lungs.

But I loved it. My adrenaline was in over-drive. As soon as I jumped off the back of his scooter after being driven up the sidewalk at lightning speed and then smacking into the bottom step outside of my house I ripped off my helmet and buckled over with screaming laughter and kept yelling random things at him. The last thing I remember shouting was that the helmet I borrowed was stinky (it wasn't his), and then I gave him a big hug goodnight.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I'll grab a beer and be right over. My week totally sucked too.