Tuesday, December 06, 2005


for some reason I am unable to leave comments on any of my favorite blogs...


Lindsey said...

You know...I was trying to comment on blogs the other day and whenever I'd hit 'post'...it wouldn't save. I originally thought I entered the word verification wrong..but turns out I did it right. And every time I'd hit save...it wouldn't save and the verification word was the same. As a matter of fact I went to various blogs to comment and I had the SAME word verification for each of them and it wouldn't let me save. I had to come back another time. Blogger has been giving me problems lately.

lorena said...

That is exactly what happened to me - same verification word every time. The thing is, even days later it's the same word and it won't let me post!

T.T. said...

Try using a different browser - I was using Internet Explorer and had the very same problems but was able to post with Safari...strange.

Slitely Askew said...

I also had the same problem where my comment wouldn't save and I was getting the same verification word every time.

Abigail S. said...

That happened to me too! It made me quite mad... It was on one of the few days that I actually had time to blog!