Monday, May 15, 2006

it's the small things

the house smells sweet coffee and fresh cut lilacs.

there are lilacs bundled in antique vases in every room of the house, I carried them in from the blooming trees in my front yard.

we sleep in every morning lately until 9 or 10, occasionally turning to smile at each other and giggle before dipping back into a shallow stream of dreams.

a friend dropped in today to plant flowers in my yard, she was dressed in dirt-coated jeans and quickly took the shovel from my hands and began to unearth a shallow line of dirt. that smell of moist rich soil lifted to our noses as a light rain fell over our shoulders. her little dog sat at my feet whimpering as he stared up at me, leaving little hairs at the hem of my pants, this made me smile so I leaned down to shower him with the palms of my hands.

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