is still where it's at for me. I was looking at some of the photos on some stranger's page of the southern landscape...and a melancholy ensued in my head. this will be a quiet day.
in my dream last night I went back to California and realized I was better suited there however I knew that coming to the east coast was part of the process. I leaned out of a big open window in my new home screens because there were no bugs. but the sun never came up.
still I am arrested by the leftover trails of knowledge that this dream somehow imparted upon me. can't make sense of it and it's troubling me.
I am at a complete standstill. I'm going to walk up to the sun and place out my hands. bye now.
well let me know, i have a date of my own with the horrible sun and its tricks!
how do you mean???
that sun shinning smiling bastard dropped raisins on my house the other day! And was preaching about some breakfast ceral!
im fried from a long day here at work.. but look at your last comment.. 1:04 and then at mine.. 4:01 i know it means nothing, but it tripped me out! Just thought id share!
you're 2 funny!! That sort of thing trips me too! I notice little details as such as well...and as for the other 2 comments you left - I still have no idea what you're talking about!
while we're at it - look at MY last one - teee-hee 4:44!!!! wishes!
It was meant to be a joke.. like the sun is the sun from that ceral commerical.. Remember!? He drops two scoops of raisens.. BAD JOKE I GUESS! :(
yeah - I made the silly cereal connection, but still uhhh, you may wanna work on your jokes a little there pard ;)
Yeah Im bad with the jokes! HEHEHE Stupid me and my dumb made up jokes. I feel horrible for plastering them on your blog! I apologize forthwith!
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