Sorry I have been so absent. Working 12-15 hour days, then partying with friends, trying to make the most of my last weeks here. Spent the weekend in Big Sur beneath the redwoods and the warm sun. Bought a dark stained wooden chair dating from the early 1900's at an antique store on our way there. Took a book called Reliving Past Lives off the used book shelf at the library there and haven't put it down since I forked over my $4 for it. That's about it...thrilling I know!
Thing is life is so exhilarating right now and I've momentarily decided to finally just live my life in the moment and not try to document it with words here or in my personal journals or to photograph it or try digging through boxes of strangers faces in musty dark antique houses to wonder about their lives either for that matter. My quiet eyes are just steadily sucking in their surroundings and the feeling in my chest of contentedness is a bit overwhelming. that's why there are no pics and no details of all the glory of my current moments and interactions.
1 comment:
holy cannoli - I don't believe it, I thought we'd lost YOU for certain!!! so good to hear from you my lost brother!
I've been on two-3 week road trips and working my ass off...
when we move back east in the spring I will be taking pics of the interior as we decorate and fill it.
and actually - it's colder here than in upstate NY at the moment (or so I heard - boastingly from those parts).
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