Thursday, July 13, 2006

drive-thru banking

The other day as I peeled into my banks parking lot I noticed the lot was full of cars (due to the chaos of a recent merger and buyout of the local chain) and the drive-thru only had about 5 cars in it. Obvious choice was the drive-thru where I could at least chill to my tunes instead of standing in a long line under Kenny G musak.

A little over a half an hour later it's my turn at the drive-up window. I wait....and wait...then start yelling silly things at the speaker because the bank was flooded inside and all of the employees had their backs to the window. I wait...., then I screamed jokingly at the top of my lungs "I'm getting very ANGRY out here...hahahaha!!!" - to which a lady inside turned abruptly around and leaned over to the microphone, clicked her little button and informed me "Ma-am, we are VERY busy helping other customers, we are doing the best we can and would appreciate your patience".

I started laughing really hard while rolling up all of my windows as if that would shield me somehow from their stares inside. How embarrassing...

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