Wednesday, September 28, 2005

finger picks

I bought my finger picks for Birdie last weekend and wore them all day yesterday. Last night I learned the last leg of Cripple Creek WITH the picks. I have to say it was truly akward wearing them at first and I had to start off at square one again, frustrating. It didn't help that for the first few frustrating days I was wearing them backwards. Blush. In any case, thank sweet jesus for the internet and some kick ass banjo instructors who have very pictorial sites instructing dummy beginners as to the basics.

Yesterday I spent hours and hours researching the best DVD's to learn the basics and then I purchased 2 of the best ones out there as well as a beautiful strap that Birdie approved of, a tab booklet with a CD of the songs, and 2 Earl Scruggs CD's. I contacted a few local instructors...$40 an hour. So that helped make the decision to start off with the DVD tutorials so that when I'm ready to learn from an instructor, I will at least know the basics, how to read tabs, know the basic fingering, rolls, etc. That will be a happy day won't it Birdie!


T.T. said...

Hahahahah! Your backwards finger picks remind me of when I started learning radio production. I had recorded this whole thing and listened to it and it sounded really muffled. I called the engineer in and he laughed at me: "Well it helps to speak into the right side of the microphone..." The humility experienced while learning something new should also be taught on DVD...

lorena said...

t - that's hilarious, I can just picture it now. So what do you do for NPR - I'm so curious? Any show in particular?

T.T. said...

I work in the beg department: I produce our local NPR station's on-air fund drives. I used to do a punk rock show every Saturday night but I grew up and had to get a real job. :) I still slip into the production room every now and then when I need a creative outlet...