Finally after successfully turning it down I shouted that he needed to learn to use his blinkers. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Hi need to learn to use your blinkers....your blinkers, you know these things... blink-blink (I demonstrated) yeah YOU need to learn how to use them" I smiled. He simply shook his head, shrugged and smiled. "You don't understand a f-king word I'm saying to you right now do you?" I said still smiling. He just shrugged and smiled.
Californian's just don't use their blinkers period. One time I was on a congested freeway trying to merge into another lane and my native Californian friend said "What are you doing, don't use your blinker, that will just alert them to speed up and they'll never let you in, you just have to force your way over". I don't even know why they bother installing blinkers on cars that are sold in this state. If an airline saves over a million dollars a year by cutting back on one piece of lettuce garnish per meal, imagine how much car manufactures could save by cutting out the blinker altogether.
Totally understand! When I used to live in San Diego, I was always constantly screaming and cursing at those idiot drivers! But at least you were nice about it. I would just honk my horn and swear at 'em and give 'em the finger, too, if I was feeling bitchy that day.
hey P! Thanks for setting Brooks straight. Your comment made me laugh. Well so did his actually because the thought of this old man listeniing to old Modest Mouse would ahve made my day actually.
Kiss and hug right back at you! xoxoxo
Drivers in Atlanta aren't much better. I curse and demonstrate hand gestures way more than I should have to. I wish private citizens could give out tickets for traffic violations.
oh I've always wished the same. I would love to volunteer a few hours a week to drive around the city on a motorcycle, pulling the non-blinker users over (the entire state of california) and educating them on how to use their blinkers and giving them a ludicrous fine...hmm? sound good!?
ditto brooks! your version still makes me laugh to picture it.
Not just a California problem; there are plenty of idiots in Florida who don't use their blinkers either. I think if everyone would use their blinkers properly, it would help create a culture of safety that would lead to a decrease in other types of bad driving, such as speeding, red light running, etc. Non-blinker use is the gateway to even worse driving behaviors.
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