When I was back East this summer my oldest brother gave me a copy of the documentary Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State. I didn't watch it until today, and the only reason I put it off was because my oldest brother is a bit radical in his beliefs at times so I thought the film would be one of his brainwashing conspiracy theories. Two weeks ago my other, more sound-minded older brother called me from the deepest blackest hole...he had just watched this film and urged me to watch it. Just this last Friday I received two phone calls from my mother telling me that she watched this film and that I should watch it now.
The second call Friday from my mother was from the bus station she was waiting at for two of her best friends because they were all meeting up and going down to Washington D.C. for the Saturday protest. She told me that my oldest brother was also driving down with a bunch of his friends. There was a huge protest in my city yesterday as well but I am ashamed to admit that I spent my day driving around to numerous music stores in search of finger picks and banjo straps. Besides, every time I go to a protest I just feel helpless and frustrated and the media always downplays and twists it. So yesterday I opted to skip out on it.
My sound-minded brother has been depressed for the past few weeks as it was he who used to call me Anti-American and ganged up on me with his friends about how wonderful America and our government was. It is the one thing we've screamed and said things we regretted to each other over. His ignorance on the matter had astounded me and made me drift away from him back in the day...in any case now he's beginning to open his eyes and it's painful. He told me the movie would be easier on me as I had always known these things and had tried to tell him for years and now he finally believed me and he was sorry for being so blind and brainwashed. It broke my heart to hear him tell me just a few hours ago that the other day he was looking at the American flag from his office window, a symbol that had always made him feel so safe and proud in the past, now made him break down and cry in his office.
When I watched this video today I paused it and fell apart into an uncontrollable crying fit. My mind could not wrap around many of the facts that Alex Jones was spewing out specifically in regards to 9-11. If you find the time please watch it - my brother said you can download if for free on www.infowars.com but it appears to me you have to purchase it, if anyone is interested I can try to send you a copy - just email me your address.
On a semi-similar note here are two other great documentaries that I recommend highly:
The Yes Men
(and something else for you to see that is Fox/Bill O'Reilly related - just click on the movie links under the Phil Donahue vs Bill O'Reilly section)
The Yes Men is hilarious genius and pitiful at the same time.
In Outfoxed: finding out that Fox News is not "fair & balanced news" is not a shocker if you've ever spent more than a few minutes watching it. Aside from overseeing it at the gym I haven't as I've never trusted American Media sources for world news.
If anyone has seen the Martial Law DVD and has info opposing Alex's I am highly interested in hearing it, because Brooke, even though there is info in that film that I am slightly skeptical about, overall I'm afraid tomorrow everything will be very NOT Ok unless something is done about it now.
Ugh. I work in the media (local NPR station) and even NPR gets it wrong sometimes and/or overlooks all of the facets related to a "news" story. The closer you are to the media the more frightening the big picture becomes. Lorena - if you can please mail me a copy of the film, I would be more than happy to reimburse you for your time/costs - maybe it's at the library too? Thanks so much...I can e-mail my address (and I'll share with KANN - I know she'll want to watch too).
T - go ahead and email me your address and once we figure out how to burn the DVD off my computer I'll send it off.
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