01. Jealous Guy - Elliott Smith
02. Out On The Weekend - Neil Young
03. Wandering Angus - Jolie Holland
04. Stepp, Min Stepp - Jan Johansson
05. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child - Odetta
06. Love In Vain - The Rolling Stones
07. Gorecki - Lamb
08. Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
09. Wished For You - Squirrel Nut Zippers
10. I Put A Spell On You - Screamin' Jay Hawkins
11. Organ Donor - DJ Shadow
12. Aint No Sunshine - Bill Withers
13. Famous Blue Raincoat - Leonard Cohen
14. First Time Ever I Saw Your Face - Johnny Cash
15. In My Home Over There - Mahalia Jackson
16. I'll See You In My Dreams - Django Reinhardt
17. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart - Al Green
18. Fade Into You - Mazzy Star
19. Lorena - Jay Ungar
20. Darling Do You Remember Me - David Johansen
21. Pink Maggit - Deftones
22. Not Even Jail - Interpol
23. For The Damaged - Blonde Redhead
24. Bankrupt On Selling - Modest Mouse
25. Coney Island Baby - Lou Reed
26. If You Go Away - Emiliana Torrini
27. Le Ciel Dans Une Chambre - Carla Bruni
28. Over And Done With - The Proclaimers
brooks - I can't wait to hear if any of them seep in.
P- yes the Proclaimers sang that song. This particular song here is special because of the movie Bottle Rocket (one of my favorites), anyway its one of the best scenes, Anthony runs back to his Inez...after doodling a super-cheezed-out pic of her at a diner...and I am shouting "YES!" to that scene...anyway.
thom, matt, and tigger...sad thoughts...I am talking hub into a road trip to your city soon. I need to see you dear,,,if only to sit beside you and smile for a while.
P - my sweet dove, email me your address and I'll send you a CD for your next road trip, or your camping trip next weekend if you'd like.
So cool! Thanks for sharing - some really good stuff here. And isn't music one of the best ways of really getting to know someone? A while back NPR did a show on the mixed tape and how friends and lovers everywhere still carry on the tradition because it's such an effective mode of expression.
Is it sad to say that I've hardly heard of any of them? I'm not great with music though. Throw movies or books at me and I'll know them like a champ...but with music...I'm a dunce.
lalaloveu - unfortunately my music will probably reveal to you that I am in a heavy stupor these days.
Linny - no that isn't sad at all! It's fun stumbling onto new music, makes me feel like some higher being placed a precious gift on my lap. It's a rich feeling nothing can take away from you. But then again I place a high value on music. Sometimes I try to imagine the world without music and I panick, that's my idea of hell on earth. That and no art or cameras...
Brooks, all I have to say is that your response was well worth the grueling hours it took me to make this mix. No I have more to say than that. Thank you for making it worth while. If you think you smiled when you spotted Mazzy in my list, that smile was nothing compared to my stupid grin the entire time I read your comment just now.
In regards to the Al Green song, please try to forget that you've heard it in shitty movies, I only recall hearing it in one movie and that was well after I loved the song...and yes, the movie disappointed me highly in it's usage so I chose to immediately sink into denial and disassociate the song from the film. Can't you disband those previous connections to cheezy slow dances and rediscover it as a solitary entity?
Yes Emiliana reminds us of our beloved Björk...
Contemporary Cohen rocks even better than this old song. I used to stand in a spotlight at my old job and blare that old album and mouth along to the songs until my eyes would water. My friends used to laugh but it just egged me on more to be more dramatic. Remind you of a scene from Buffalo 66? I did that years before that movie was conceived though.
Self-fulfilled prophecy, if you end up like Neil in 30 years, which I no doubt gather you will, will you invite me over at least once a week?
"As the winter months arrive and the sun disappears up here in Washington, I’m sure the others will go well with a small glass of scotch on a dark night." - Delicious! That choice and placement of words makes me so happy.
I hope to post shorter lists in the future. Maybe throw one of the Birdie in there. My fingers are raw, I spent the whole evening with her and the love can hardly be contained.
So, currently my favorite song on there is the Odetta song. I tell her "Me too Darlin'...me too..."
For sure - The Future is an essential album that will not let you down.
He is a f-ing genius!
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