All I kept thinking the first hour of it was that it momentarily subdued my yearning for a road trip, as pretty much the only footage is of the blurry road, day and night, as he drives westward across the U.S. I found it soothing somehow, but Hubby kept getting up and leaving the room saying "Don't pause it".
Usually he'll just passive-aggressively mention that I don't have to pause it, when we both know he wants me to but doesn't want to disrupt the flow for me. And when he does it then, it's only ever because he has to run to "Tinkle Town", however during B.B. he was up every five minutes doing little unneccessary chores, that is of course until the last half hour...ugh, men.
No, it doesn't have anything good to say. Given what you just said, I don't recommend this movie for you at all!
I love Buffalo 66, its one of my favorite movies. The only recent movies that have effected me for days after were Dancer in the Dark & Dogville, the former put me through a month lost depression spell.
exactly - you can't trust reviews! plus the majority of critics don't have similar taste to mine.
That's good to know, maybe I'll put that on hold for a while then.
Have you seen the Amy Sedaris series called Strangers With Candy? Pretty funny, we just got the first series today. Also Curb Your Enthusiasm is an excellent series (Season 4 is out now - I can't wait!).
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