Petunia, you asked on your blog if any of us were psychic.
When I was 15 I was deathly sick and bed-ridden for a month with mono. One day I was overcome with the idea that someone in my cousin's family was going to die. I begged my mom to take me to their house and I yelled that one of them might die. I told her every action creates a reaction and that we could alter their future if we unexpectedly showed up and changed the course of their actions, altered their plans, I KNEW something bad was going to happen!
At that time my cousins were in their mid teens and younger. They were all jocks and my nickname from them was "Punky Lorena". They used to make fun of me and my gothic/mohawked/shaved headed girlfriends, etc. So, needless to say I hated them then and dreaded going over there. My mother didn't understand what had come over me and reminded me I hated seeing them, and eventually annoyed at my insistance she angrily yelled at me not to talk that way anymore and hushed me back to sleep.
I fell asleep and was out for another day or two and in that duration I had a dream that my little cousin B stood holding onto my legs and cried and begged for me to not let "them" take him. I stood at a large gate of an old building. I leaned down and told him that it was all going to be ok, and to not be afraid. I woke up eventually to my mom pushing at my shoulders and crying. She told me my little cousin B was hit by a car and that she was going immediately to the hospital to see him.
After my mom left I lay there for hours in the darkness. The door was ajar about 2 or 3 inches and the hall light was leaking into the bedroom. Suddenly a very indescribeable happiness overcame me and I knew I wasn't alone in the room, and next thing I know a blackish cloud came next to me at my bed and stopped. I whispered something to B because I knew it was him, then I smiled wide and reached my arm out to him, told him I loved him and then fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up to my mom clutching me in her arms, rocking back and forth and crying hysterically. She didn't have to say a thing but she told me anyway with a tortured face. She told me that my younger cousins were all playing tag in the front yard of their farmhouse. They had a big white fence around the horse pasture which stopped about 50 feet in front of the road. They all knew their whole lives that they weren't allowed to go past the end of that fence line under any circumstances.
Anyway it was B's turn, he was tagged, and he started running directly out to the road right as a car was speeding 60mph by. His siblings stopped at the fence and watched him continue to run and they started screaming at him to stop. For some reason he kept running and the car hit him and he was thrown 20 feet into a ditch. When they rushed to the hospital in the ambulance my aunt told him to squeeze her hand if he could hear and understand her and the first 3 times she asked him he squeezed her lightly and then never responded again after that. At the hospital they kept his body alive on machines for almost a day until they decided to turn them off.
A week later at his funeral the priest said that all of his chickens had died one by one right after that and they were all flying up to heaven to be with their angel. B was 8 years old.
yup! that's so very true, and he had come over and wanted them back the last time he came over (he gave Floyd to me) and he tried scooping him out with a coffee mug and then dropped the mug in the tank, I left that there too.
He used to buy those little Swedish gummy fish and take them to the beach and set them free in the water. He really thought he was saving them.
Wow. Do you still have those "feelings?" It seems to be both a gift and a - - well, not so gift. A huge responsibility. But something that lies within all of us I think, we just lack the awareness/consciousness. I had mono in high school and holy, holy, holy...I have never been SO VERY SICK. It literally hurt to lift my index finger, to swallow, to brush my hair. My body ached and I truly felt like someone was sucking the energy right out of me. Sometimes I feel subtle hints of mono, I refer to that feeling as "mono body." Just yuckuh. Maybe that was an important factor in your sensitivity to receiving the premonition (sp?) - - that you were so sick, your guard was down and your energy "field" was weak. I dunno. Beautifully written, Lorena and always sad to hear about a child leaving the world too early. And the chickens too...
lalaloveu- actually I've heard that sick people are more susceptible to psychic occurrences, however there have been many other odd happenstance's in my life that do not support that theory.
my "grandpa" entry from last month is along the lines of this discussion.
ps - doesn't mono suck! you described it perfectly! I slept for almost a month straight and had a tutor over for 15 minutes a day which was the most I was awake per day.
Geez, that makes me want to cry. Amazing story even though it breaks my heart.
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