When I woke up I walked out to my office and my carpet was coated in a blackish-brown dust as well as all of my computer equipment, scanner, printer, etc. In denial I walked right past it, and then upon returning noticed that one of our skylights was ripped out and debris was just flying into my office from the gaping hole. A man's fat ass was sitting in the bottom ledge of it so I tapped his back and started to talk to him. Then 3 dusty Mexican faces appeared and apparently not one of them spoke a word of English. I just kept saying "shit" and pointed to the debris coated room.
Then I went back into my bedroom for about 4 minutes and upon walking out of it (you can only access the bedroom through the office) a man was standing there with bags over his shoes and a mask on his face, standing on a huge plastic tarp he laid out over my floor and our desks. I tried to talk to him but every time I spoke he just looked up at another man leaning in the huge hole and they conversed, and then completely ignored me.
Anyway, now the genius' nailed the huge tarp to the ceiling and instead of coming straight down on my entire office, the debris slides along the plastic and pours out conveniently on all of the wiring behind my desk. This day sucked.
ugggh, so sorry! just point and scream QUE HORROR!
Chin up chica, I hope it gets bettah.
3 more weeks of this insanity unfortunately, and today upon returning home, I found a nice 4 inch hole in our roof above our desks AND they took the windows off the skylights again only his time they didn't put them on right and they are laying haphazardly on the frame and every time the wind blows thtough the big cracks it poofs out the plastic tarp sending debris clouds out on all sides.
and if that wasn't enough a plumber had to let himself into our apartment due to a recent leak in the downstairs neighbors apartment and the idiot left a huge muddy mess on my bathroom floor.
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