This is my shrine to my grandfather who died on September 11, 2002. He let himself die that day because it was the first time he'd been away from my grandmother in many many years. We all believe that he didn't want to burden her with his death.
The only reason she was away from him was because she went down to the ceremonies they were holding for the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11 the previous year. That plane landed on her families property in Pennsylvania. My grandfather was too sick to make the trip with her but it meant a lot for her to be there.
He passed away late that evening. My brother, mother, uncle, and little niece and nephew were there with him at his house that last day. At one point that evening my brother said my grandfather walked by him and it made my brother shudder because he watched my grandfather slowly climb the stairs up to his bedroom and my brother thought he was a ghost. He could feel the death trailing behind him. It was as if he was already making his ascent to whatever awaited him on the other side. My brother ran downstairs and locked himself in the bathroom for a while until he could regain his composure to go out and be around his kids.
That night I was out at a show at Bimbo's with some friends who bought us tickets to see their favorite band. The main band hadn't even started yet and suddenly I was overcome with something heavy and devastating and stood up and excused myself. I whispered to my husband that I had to leave immediately and that I needed to be alone. He started to rise to accompany me but I pushed his shoulders down and sternly told him to stay, my eyes were beginning to water and I had to idea what the hell had overcome me. I had just been happily looking forward to this evening out with our friends, happy to see their band, etc.
In any case I left the venue and started walking, at first I thought I would just stand outside? But no, my legs kept walking, and an hour later I was home. My husband was there and looked up at me, he had gone looking for me against my wish and not finding me took a cab home immediately. He was kind of upset by my actions, but I had no explanation for him so we didn't speak that night and I just silently crawled into bed and turned out my light.
The next morning my mother called and told me the news. I hadn't spoke to any of them for at least a week or two prior to that day, so I never even saw it coming.
wow. thats an excellent monument to your grandad.
thanks, I just attached the story now.
its always a shock when someone you are close to passes away. thank you for putting it so eloquently you are clearly someone who feels things deeply and i think thats admirable
thanks for your kind words. yes I do feel things deeply - too deep for my own good or sanity at times.
i know that feeling unfortunatly. i wish i couldnt feel what i do but i do.
i dont know if this makes much sense but the emotions are so deep its like a torrent from a tap and i cant switch it off. oh sod it im talking rubbish now...
I'd rather feel too much than not feel at all though. And I don't think you were taking rubbish, you were just expressing yourself and I think that's beautiful!
im sorry i shouldnt have done that
nonsense! what do you mean you shouldn't have done that?
i mean i shouldnt have unloaded like that. i really should pick my moments better
you can always go and delete your comment if you want but I thought it was sweet...
sweet? me? im in shock!
don't be. do you have some other release - do you keep a journal for instance?
no. i started my blog as a form of release and while its worked a little im still having bad days. once again i apologise as its unfair of me
what are you saying? you're wrong - that is not unfair of you, just let it all really can only say so much on a blog anyway, all of my real thoughts I keep written on the paper pages of my journals. That is where my words find their truest sanctuary.
im going to bed. ill make more sense tomorrow. goodnite
yeah, well...
sorry petunia, were u feeling left out? tee hee!
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