I love playing "what if" games. One of my brother's and I have an ongoing "what if":
If you could have a party and invite anyone in the world dead or alive who would you invite?
This would be my guest list today:
takeshi kitano
milan kundera
anais nin
leonard cohen
bill murray
noam chomsky
david chapelle
maya angelou
bill hicks
woody allen
howard zinn
vincent gallo
nina simone
william t. sherman
ira glass
nikita mikhalkov
click and clack
andre 3000
david sedaris
mark borchardt
tupac shakur
my husband
shelby foote
Who would you invite? (not that anyone reads this but you P.)
hi. i followed onto your blog. hope you dont mind me coming on here and making an arse of myself. im going to ruminate upon your list and do one of my own later. eclectic choice there though!
not at all - please do, can't wait to hear your list!
can i come to dinner too? im not fussy, ill eat anything. not that your cooking will be bad. ill stop digging myself a hole now
hey who said anythign about dinner, I just said party.
just kidding, of course you can come to dinner.
ok GBM youve just given me a headache..........
hey come on, the list took me 4 minutes tops to come up with that evening. And that was who I'd invite at that particular moment in time, in fact if you asked me right now I'd say that I wanted all of the people in my photo collection to step out of the tiny frames as they were. I'd open open a few bottles of wine immediately and hold my little cats out for the little kids to hold on to.
No, I know its a silly childs game I realize but I am proud of my immaturity when it comes to things like that. Its kind of an ongoing thing for me, whenever I learn of soemone new I usually say "Oh I'm inviting HIM/HER to my party too" and my brother and husband are the only ones who know what the hell I'm talking about. Jack Jonhnson was the last person I said that about outloud. (An "outspoken" early 1900's African-American boxer).
i read a damn good book about jack johnson a few years ago
really? What is it called?
Did you by chance see the Ken Burn's documentary "Unforgivable Blackness"?
ive not seen that doc no.
cant recall the name of the book, it was fairly old mind. i think was called something like in the ring or out.
you should check out that documentary then, it's "cracking"!
theres a whole period of american history that fascinates me and i love reading or watching documentaries about it so i shall definatly check out that doc.
cool. You should look up ken burn's also if you don't know who he is, he's made documentaries on many different aspects of american history. his civil war and jazz documentaries are among my personal favorites.
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