This morning I woke up to the sound of soldiers slowly and heavily stomping up a stairway which circled my house. I could hear the spurs clinking on the tall leather riding boots of the cavalry men which for some reason were on foot climbing my house to convene on my roof. I pulled the sheets over my face and lay there smiling with my eyes closed. There must have been 50 soldiers at least and now they were stomping over my head. I was in that half dream state.

Last night hubby, a friend of ours, and I went to see the new Jim Jarmusch film
Broken Flowers. My friend announced his dismay to find me driving because he had a gift for me. Before he handed the gift to me he segued: "Seeing as you're always complaining about how Hubby doesn't ever buy you anything I thought
I'd buy you something to make up for it". We all laughed and then he threw a bag of 'Authentic Gettysburg Action Figures' onto my lap as I drove. I started shouting and gripping the steering wheel tightly and shouting to him that ever since I was in Gettysburg in June I had wanted a set. There had been this immense battle scene in a museum/store we went to that I took a bunch of pictures of. Ever since then I started daydreaming of setting up my own little battle scenes.

In any case I credit that gift I was given last night for my half dream of mistaking the sounds of the day laborers climbing the scaffoldings outside our house to fix our roof - for Civil War Soldiers meeting on my roof to discuss their next battle tactics. Sigh. In any case, the stomping on the roof was unbearable yesterday but now thanks to my half-dream I can't help but imagine them as soldiers. It actually lessens the aggravation they are causing me as I try to get some work done here. Of course my 2 days working from home they have to be working directly above my office, but what are you gonna do? Anyway, back to work...
the movie was good, but not if you like movies that have endings that don't leave you hanging and repeating in your head "no way, there's no way you're going to end this movie here, no way..."
I don't think you'd like the way I drive, my husband tells poeple that I drive like a car theif. I'd be on my best behavior with you though.
Yes I still do the impersonations, I really feel it when I peg the person, I get a slight chill directly afterwards...
these were the pictures I took at that museum/store in Gettysburg, it was an immense battlescene that they had created, the last picture could be Picket's Charge but I'm not sure, in any case my favorite is the way they used cotton to simulate gun smoke!
thanks. yes we may have seen that together in a theater...my memory has big empty gaps in it though, I trust that we did if you say so.
I just got home early from a shoot - yippee!
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