I saw Radiohead there 2 years ago (my favorite band) after waiting 11 years for them to play in the same time zone and roughly same latitude because I had a knack for being out of town any time they came near California. In fact the time I DID get to see them, I'd just booked my tickets to the East Coast and it was the only time I could get out there the whole summer and then someone called to tell me that Radiohead was going to be playing while I was gone and I quickly got off the phone with her and then what?...I started crying out of frustration of course (Let me state that everything had gone wrong for me that day and that was the last straw for me.) In any case, she misinformed me, and they would be playing way after I returned as I had originally thought. When my husband took me up to the airport he told me he had bought 2 tickets for me and a friend to go.
When I did get to that concert finally, I experienced my last lesson in not trusting my gut instinct. It was open seating on the lawn and I had arrived with my friend about 5 hours early so we were among the first in line in the parking lot, and at the entrance. When we got inside the gates we had to wait about another half an hour before we could be let into the main lawn area. I wanted to get in line right away for the lawn seats and my friend wanted to check out shirts at the rip-off stands and so she used her lame tactic in telling me "trust me dude, that line won't get long for sooo long, we have plenty of time". I didn't want to leave the line, I didn't trust this but I followed her to the lame stands anyway and then when we finally got back to the line and I said "FUCK!" when I saw how long it had become and said she reassuringly: "No, dude, dude truuuust me dude, there's a secret line on the ooother side no one knows about, I come here all the time". So we hurried over to this "secret"
line and I screamed "LOVELY! God DAMN it!" it was longer than the first line. We went back to the original one and it had quadrupled in size. I was fuming. So we got in there and she found a shitty spot behind some huge poles where no one had sat yet....hmmmmm.
It wasn't too long before that that my coworkers had had to hold me back from her because she had provoked me and had taken it too far. I quietly went to the back, punched my time card, pulled my jacket on, then went out on the floor and found her in a corner and went right up to her, blocked her in and began shouting at her to never talk to me as she just had, and to never touch me as she just had (she had put her hand on my forehead and pushed hard at it saying 'duh'). After I yelled at her I lunged at her and my friends held me and walked me out of there....that was typical of our working relationship. I hated her and therefore everyone hated her. My boss had pleaded with me a few times to be nice to her and had told me that everyone at our store looked up to me and that since I hated this girl, everyone hated her and treated her the same way I had. I would coolly tell my boss that that was not my problem who people liked and didn't like.
In any case, after I read her poetry, I let my guard down and so did she, we became close over the next few years. She was a 4.0 gpa philosophy major who loved writing poetry in her spare time. I hate poetry but she is gifted...my god that's putting it lightly. So we got closer and closer, but never too close because we were both Scorpios and very guarded being as we started off very badly those first years. We had seen the severity of each others wrath and never wanted to unleash that again, so we could never argue about anything personal and we never did...until Italy happened to us
We went to Italy together a year and a half ago. I'll make this quick. No I won't. We spent a week in Southern Italy with her husbands non-English speaking family without him. As I spoke Italian and she didn't I was the interpreter the entire time. I had talked her into taking an Italian course so she knew a little bit but refused to try, so the family, extended family, neighbors, and entire town for that matter ended up talking to me much more...go figure. I had even given her a crash course on the 12 hour flight over there, and then tried tutoring her every evening we were there! She just clammed up and became withdrawn. Every time someone would grab and hug or hold my hand I felt her eyes burning holes in me.
The stingers came out suddenly on a daily basis. Every little thing I did she complained about. Fact was she was deeply insecure and was making herself miserable. It turned into a nightmare. She was so paranoid she was telling me what I was thinking the whole time, that I thought she was this or that. She was insufferably jealous at my happiness to see my friend. So I arranged that my friends friends were around and that they please speak English since they all could. Even planned a day for just her and me...she STILL found reasons to bitch. Anyway, her weakness repulsed me and I found it hard to see her any other way since then so we no longer talk. She called me a month later to apologize for her psychoness. I'm too old for drama though, that's the last time we spoke.
Man, I guess I needed to get that off my chest, don't know how the hell that stemmed from not finding anyone to go see Modest Mouse with me!
1 comment:
Yes crazy things DO happen between girlfriends and I fear it! I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. My friend we were visiting in Italy htough, what a woman! What a tower of strength and confidence and soul! When the two of us were together we mounted our own little mountain and latched arms face to face. I can't help this, it is who I am, I give my all to whoever holds my attention. It makes more insecure and needy friends jealous as they fess up later, but then that turns me off and makes me over-sensitive to hurting them so-much-so that I can no longer funciton as myself, and then they usually fade away somehow.
The thing is, I can't take shit like that anymore, I just can't, and I refuse. I was really proud of myself on that trip when she was crying to me every night and when she left me at top of the Vatican in Rome. She left me there, I had to walk back at least an hour to the hotel alone at night through seedy dark streets with a few thousand dollars of camera equipment on my back. I found a little restaurant and had my first dining out experience alone. I'd always told myself that when the day came that I was eating alone at a restaurant, I'd really do it up. So I ordered appetizers, a main dish, wine, and dessert, and I never order dessert. A lot of people stared at me when they kept bringing plates and glasses out, and refilling my wine. I was feeling so proud happy to be alive...
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