Saturday, June 03, 2006

I mean...what's the point really?

No one reads this blog anyway...this may be my blogger goodbye post, perhpas it's time to go back to my hand written journals.


Anonymous said...

I have no understanding why I am so strangely saddened. I can not say how many people have read your blog, for what reason you write, or for what reason it is read, but it always seemed worth reading to me. Thanks for sharing. I am hoping that you will make a post from time to time in the future. Best wishes.

Slitely Askew said...

For what it is worth - I read it. But more importantly what is the point of this blog for you - keep doing what it is you feel is worthwhile - either here or wherever - I would have never met "Lorena" if it weren't for this blog - whatever may come of your journey - thanks for sharing!