Friday, October 21, 2005

good deed

We have a movie bandit in our house. We have an account with Netflix and when we are done with the film we typically leave it down at our mailbox for the mailman to pick it up. Lately I noticed it has taken up to a week or more for netflix to receive our returned movies, as opposed to the usual day or two at most that it used to take. One DVD was never returned at all.

Yesterday Hubby placed the netflix envelope on the ledge above our mailbox as usual, and when I left the house an hour later it was gone, and I knew for a fact that the mailman hadn't even arrived yet. And what do you know that same envelope reappeared later that evening and the seal had been opened.

Now a pretty handwritten letter is taped up above the mailboxes addressed to the "Netflix Freeloader" advising him/her as to how to set up their very own account seeing as we will no longer be leaving our outgoing mail to be pilfered and they will no longer have the pleasure of "borrowing" our movies. I provided the Netflix URL and encouragement as to the simplicity of setting up an account, pointing out that it takes far less energy than stealing ours and they will have the added benefit of selecting their very own favorites rather than relying on the gamble that they will like what we've selected (unless they happen to be a die-hard Civil War fan of course, then I've probably clued them onto a plethora of great dramas and documentaries).

Anyway, that was my good deed for the day, what was yours?


Lindsey said...

They TOOK your movies? And then put them back? I can't believe someone had the nerve. Geez.

Good for you for telling them off..I wonder who it was...

Slitely Askew said...

You're a better person than I - it sounds like your notice was firm yet helpful. I would have probably just told them they were a loser and should f*%# off. You're much more constructive.

lorena said...

yes Linny - the bastards have been swiping our movies, watching them at their leisure then dropping them in the mail. Sometimes it would take almost 2 weeks before we'd get a new flick and I was getting bummed at netflix for thinking they were slacking on us. Then one went missing for a month after I had returned it, so I've been suspiciusly watching the going-ons with my outgoing mail.

And SA - I am not a better person, trust me. I went directly to the gym and took all of my aggression out there for a few hours. My shoulders and biceps kill because I pretended I was punching their face again and again with weights in my hands. Then I waited a day to cool off before writing the letter. My initial one was way meaner but Hubby helped me scale it down to just making a clown out of them by being sarcastically pleasant. They do - after all - share the same roof as us and I don't want my home life to be hellish.

Anonymous said...

Next thing you know they will be going through your garbage to find your credit card number to pay for their new Netflix agreement. However, it seems to me you are getting a little over wacked-out about this. It is too late now, but you should have asked us for some ideas first. You are really never going to get that satisfying revenge the way you have approached this problem. You have let them know your displeasure and you will never discover their identity this way. Unfortunately, it is dangerous to fool around with the US Mail so I won't give you some really devious ways of tricking them into doing some really stupid things. The kind of things that make you laugh until you fall on the ground. You were civil though. I'd buy a lock cap for your car gas tank.

lorena said...

over wacked out - I think not. If I was the type of person who needed other peoples advice before I acted then I would have asked but I've really never been that type.

I never said I wanted satisfying revenge, in my opinion - giving it the type of thought you imply is giving it too much attention and would be as you say "over wacked-out".

there is no way to discover who they are in this situation and that is not what I am after. As far as I am concerned leaving the note to notify my other more civil neighbors was all I wanted and as of last night we noticed that there were already 2 more notes taped up next to mine saying that their movies have gone missing as well.

lorena said...

Hi P - glad you agree. I always use the annoying tidbits of my day as fuel at the gym because lately I hate being there. When the roofers were here my workouts were fantastic!

I hope Grace will find a way to solve her problem diplomatically yet with her voice being heard.

Anonymous said...


L, I've learned another lesson.

P, you're right.

lorena said...

P - that's a difficult situation - I agree. As I don't know what the problem is and as it is an abstraction in my in my mind I may be wrong in saying this - but maybe a little advice would be helpful so she has something to hold on to? Even if it's just encouraging words to help strengthen her up within herself, but I'm sure you already gave her that if I know you at all.

lorena said...

brooks - your ideas always make me smile. that could be a good thing - only I don't really give a rats ass what they think!

Abigail S. said...

That's so horrible! Some people... Jeepers!

Good job writing that note! It helped the other victims come out of hiding! You can start a support group!

ps. Can I borrow your scenario for one of my blog questions?

lorena said...

knock yourself out Abigail - curious to see your post.

and yes you are right Brooks! ;)

lorena said...

P - that's good news abut Grace. good luck studying!